Indoor solutions for 5G

Neutral Host Sservice and private networks

We supply and operate indoor networks for 5G and Wi-Fi, based on fiber

Over 80 percent of mobile phone use takes place indoors. Dramatically increased requirements from functions via the 5G mobile network will place increased demands on 5G indoor coverage. 5G frequencies have a hard time penetrating walls and windows already today, and with the properties are becoming increasingly energy efficient, which makes it even more difficult for the radio signals to penetrate.

The result is poor 5G coverage indoors, or no coverage at all. But we have the solution – indoor networks for 5G, based on fiber. Neutral fiber networks are also the basis on which 5G and Wi-Fi can interact. With an integration between these technologies, you can take advantage of their various benefits, whilst having a maintained security and isolation between the technologies.

Benefits of 5G

Higher speeds 

5G radically increases the speeds when accessing the right radio. In addition, it shortens time delays in combination with local traffic breakouts. 

Increased security

5G has more implemented security features than any other standard. These features include two-way authentication and increased encryption and traffic separation methods.

IoT and mIoT 

5G is created to support "mIoT" ("massive Internet of Things") and has a built-in standard for mMTC (massive Machine-Type-Communication). 

Attractive for tenants 

With an indoor network for 5G, your property increases in value and your tenants can take advantage of new digital opportunities. 

5G network slicing 

With 5G network slicing, you can manage and isolate traffic by creating "networks in the network". It is also possible to prioritize traffic, for example alarms from sensors with time-critical information. 

Indoor positioning 

Positioning of indoor units will be important in the future. It is very difficult to do from the outdoor network, but possible with 5G indoor networks. 

Lower climate footprint 

With our solution, you get a central network instead of several isolated, scattered networks. This means fewer technical units in the property, a more efficient use of resources, and reduced energy consumption. 

Read more about reduced climate footprints in properties.

How we operate indoor networks for 5G

Our starting point is always the property owner's needs, today and tomorrow, to create a solution that not only works today, but also is future-proof.

More and more property owners are asking not only for mobile broadband indoor coverage, both 4G and 5G, but also positioning indoors as their tenants requests it. Consequently, we have a primary focus on DOT/Small/Femto cell solutions, but we also offer both passive and active distributed antenna systems. The foundation for 5G indoor networks consists of our fiber property networks.

Our radio networks are designed and installed based on the same concept that we use for our fiber property networks, which is based on quality, documentation, security and robustness. For the networks we build, we are responsible for monitoring and troubleshooting, and this is delivered as a service to the property owner, the Neutral hHost sService.

Neutral Host Service for 5G

A Neutral Host builds an infrastructure, which is then used by several service providers. Common examples are cellular base stations and municipal fiber networks, as well as all fiber property networks that we handle.

Indoor networks for 5G work in the same way. We build the indoor solution ourselves, operate it based on PropView®, and handle the interaction with mobile operators.

Our 5G Neutral Host sService provides several benefits for you as a property owner:

  • We deliver and take long-term responsibility for the 5G indoor network

  • We handle the interaction with the mobile operators

  • A shared network means less equipment in the property and a long life span

  • Value creation through lower costs, new revenue opportunities and more efficient roll-outs in several properties

  • You don’t need to create an organization for managing mobile networks

Private 5G networks

Private 5G networks can be set up in different ways: a shared radio network where the access control is with the operator, local traffic management and access control via the operator, or an external independent private network. We design, set up and operate private 5G networks for the property owner, where the private 5G network uses spectrums for local permits in the property from PTS (The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority). We also help with handling spectrum issues in relation to PTS.

Business model for 5G Neutral Host sService

The market for 5G indoor networks is beginning to bloom and is expected to grow in the coming years, as 5G services are developed and the requirements for 5G indoor coverage increase.

Our business model for 5G Neutral Host sService:

  • Cooperation with mobile operators, where we make it easy and reduce costs

  • Assignment from the property owner to manage the 5G indoor networks, through cooperation with the mobile operators

  • Simple and transparent revenue model – fixed fee for delivering 5G indoor networks and then an ongoing monthly fee for operating the networks

  • As 5G services become more sophisticated, the revenue model will likely evolve to include more and more users/parties

How we set up indoor networks for 5G

Our solution for radio coverage: Small Cells / Femto / DOT

We use a solution called Small Cells, Femto or DOT (it has many pet names). In simple terms, we build a radio network in the building where we distribute a digitally unconverted signal to each deployed unit. The foundation for the radio network is our fiber property networks.

This gives you several benefits:

  • Higher capacity as each access point has its own capacity

  • The radio environment is fully controlled by those who build the indoor network

  • Unlocks potential for new services and better control in the property and for the tenants

  • The signal is distributed without being degraded

  • A network can be built for multi-operator implementation in different ways

  • The radio network is connected to the fiber property network

  • The radio network is documented in PropView®, which also constitutes the software platform for safe and efficient operation of 5G indoor networks

Today MORAN, tomorrow national roaming

Presently, we attach the operators through a MORAN solution (Multi-Operator Radio Access Network). This means that each operator has their own spectrum, and they don’t have to adapt to each other.

When the operators are ready, we will roll out national roaming. This means that the indoor network is connected to a core network that allows users from national operators to "roam" this particular part of the radio network.

Benefits of national roaming:

  • The efficiency of the radio network is at its peak because neutral network builds capacity as required

  • All construction solutions can be used

  • In systems that provide positioning, all operators are offered the same functionality and services

  • The neutral core network can be with an operator, with a Neutral Host, or built in-house